Tri-City Dance Centre
Dress Codes
Dress codes are mandatory for all classes to ensure safety and to encourage proper technique. All students are required to wear appropriate, specified dance attire at all times. Class attire is not included in registration, dance or costume fees.
Let's Dance!
Pale Pink Short-Sleeved Leotard (body suit)
Pink or White Ankle Socks
Pink full-sole leather ballet slippers with elastics, strings tied and tucked in (no gym slippers)
Pink chiffon skirt (optional) No Tutus!
Hair in a pony tail, braids or a bun. If hair is short it must be well groomed and a headband must be worn to secure the hair
Plain White fitted “T” shirt
Navy or Black dance shorts
White full-sole leather ballet slippers with elastics, strings tied and tucked in
White ankle socks
Hair well groomed

RAD Pre-Primary & Primary
Lilac (LP) Short-Sleeved Leotard (Mondor #1635 / 11635) with Lilac (LP) Regulation wrap-skirt (Mondor#16100)
PInk (E6) Ankle Socks (RAD) Mondor #167– available from a dance supply store. (White is fine for everyday class)
Pink full-sole leather ballet slippers with elastics, strings tied and tucked in
Hair in a bun (using an elastic, hair pins and a hair net or bun cover); if hair is short it must be well groomed and a headband must be worn to secure the hair (no Pony Tails)
No visible undergarments.
Plain White fitted “T” shirt
Navy or Black dance shorts (No soccer shorts, knees must be visible)
White full-sole leather ballet slippers with elastics, strings tied and tucked in
White ankle socks
Hair well groomed

RAD Grade 1 & 2
Marine Blue Pinched front Royal Academy of Dance Leotard tank style (body suit) (#3546 RAD Marine Blue [PR] Mondor Brand / Tactel/Lycra) ~ with matching marine blue waist elastic/belt. (This is replacing the light blue colour leotard)
Pink Ankle Socks (RAD) – available from a dance supply store. (White is fine for everyday class)
Pink full-sole leather or canvas ballet slippers with elastics, strings tied and tucked in
Black character skirt (circle skirt 3” below the knee) with any colour ribbons
Black low heel character shoes with pink elastic
Hair in a bun (using an elastic, hair pins and a hair net or bun cover); if hair is short it must be well groomed and a headband must be worn to secure the hair (no pony tails)
No visible undergarments and no jewelry other than small earrings
Plain White fitted “T” shirt, Navy or Black dance shorts (No soccer shorts, knees must be visible)
White full-sole leather ballet slippers with elastics, strings tied and tucked in
White ankle socks
Black character (hard heeled) shoes
Hair well groomed

RAD Grade 3 & 4
Burgundy Pinched front Royal Academy of Dance Leotard tank style (body suit) (#3546 RAD Burgundy [RR] Mondor Brand - Tactel/Lycra) ~ with matching burgundy waist elastic/belt. (This is replacing the Mulberry colour leotard)
Pink Ballet Tights
Pink full-sole or split sole leather or canvas ballet shoes with elastics, strings tied and tucked in
Black character circle skirt with ribbons. The hem of the skirt should be approximately 3" below the knee.
Black High heel character shoes with pink elastic
Hair in a bun (using an elastic, hair pins and a hair net or bun cover); if hair is short it must be well groomed and a headband must be worn to secure the hair
No visible undergarments and no jewelry other than small earrings.
Plain White fitted “T” shirt or dance leotard
Navy dance shorts or navy or black men’s tights
White full-sole leather ballet slippers with elastics, strings tied and tucked in
White ankle socks
Black character (hard heeled) shoes
Hair well groomed

RAD Grade 5
Mondor Brand Royal Blue Spaghetti Strings Pinched Front Leotard
Ballet Pink tights
Pink full-sole or split sole leather ballet shoes with elastics, strings tied and tucked in or pink canvas split sole ballet shoes
Black character skirt (circle skirt 3” below the knee) with ribbons
Black High heel character shoes with pink elastic
Hair in a bun (using an elastic, hair pins and a hair net or bun cover); if hair is short it must be well groomed and a headband must be worn to secure the hair
No visible undergarments and no jewelry other than small earrings.
Plain White fitted “T” shirt or dance leotard
Navy dance shorts or navy or black men’s tights
White full-sole leather ballet slippers with elastics, strings tied and tucked in
White ankle socks
Black character (hard heeled) shoes
Hair well groomed

Open Ballet & Pointe
Any Solid Coloured Leotard
Ballet Pink tights
Pointe shoes with ribbons
Hair in a classical bun (high, no bangs, using an elastic, hair pins and a hair net);
if hair is short it must be well groomed and a headband must be worn to secure the hair
Optional skirt
No jewelry other than small earrings.

Vocational Ballet
Any Dark, Solid Coloured Leotard
Ballet Pink tights
Pink ballet slippers or soft pointe shoes
Hair in a classical bun (high, no bangs, using an elastic, hair pins and a hair net); if hair is short it must be well groomed and a headband must be worn to secure the hair. No jewelry other than small earrings.
As in Grade 3, 4 & 5

Academy/Recreational Ballet
Black Leotard (body suit)
Ballet Pink tights
Pink full-sole or split sole leather ballet shoes with elastics, strings tied and tucked in or pink canvas split sole ballet shoes
Hair in a classical bun (high, no bangs, using an elastic, hair pins and a hair net); if hair is short it must be well groomed and a headband must be worn to secure the hair. (no pony tails)
No visible ndergarments and no jewelry other than small earrings.

Jazz, Lyrical & Musical Theatre
Dance Leotard (body suit) of any colour, or sports bra with jazz pants or dance shorts.
Black Split Sole Jazz Shoes - Slip-on Style Only (Competitive/Pro-Training Dancers may also need Tan Slip-on Jazz shoes and/or Foot Undies).
Hair in a pony tail, braids or a bun, if hair is short it must be well groomed & a headband must be worn to secure the hair
Absolutely no sweat pants, tank tops or T-shirts permitted
No hoop or dangling earrings. Please do not wear jewelry to class. i.e. rings, watches, etc.
Plain white fitted or solid colour “T” shirt or tank ~ (Not baggy or loose)
Dance shorts
Black Split Sole Jazz Shoes - Slip-on Style Only
White ankle socks, Hair well groomed

Solid Coloured Dance Leotard (bodysuit) or sports bra ~ worn with dance shorts or chiffon skirt.
Tights/leggings or bare legs for silver tap and higher.
Knees must be visible at all times.
Proper tap shoes reflecting level must be worn. (see below)
Hair in a pony tail, braids or a bun, if hair is short it must be well groomed & a headband must be worn to secure the hair.
Shoes (girls):
Academy Tap:
Black patent leather or flat leather
Capezio Mary Jane 3800C or Bloch tap-on S0302L
Taps MUST be screwed-in (No nailed in Taps)
Blue - Gold Tap:
*Black Oxford tap shoes (lace-up) ~ Bloch, Capezio & Leo Brand (3 screw) (One Screw will also be accepted)
Fitted ‘T’ shirts or tanks – Any Solid colour with shorts that fall above the knee.
Hair well groomed
Shoes (boys):
All levels - Black Oxford Tap Shoes

Dance Leotard (bodysuit) of any colour with dance shorts or leggings. Barefeet. Hair in a low pony tail or low bun; french braids preferred.
No hoop or dangling earrings.
Fitted 'T' shirts or tanks - any solid colour with shorts that fall above the knee
All Dancers:
Please do not wear jewelry to class. i.e. rings, watches, etc.

Hip Hop
Girls & Boys:
Gym Clothes i.e. Loose Sweatpants & loose T-Shirts ~ attire that allows for free movement (no jeans)
Clean non-marking sneakers (no street shoes).
Please NOTE: Competitive classes will be informed what shoes to purchase.
Girls - No hoop or dangling earrings. All Dancers: Please do not wear jewelry to class. i.e. rings, watches, etc.

Contemporary & Modern
Dance leotard (bodysuit) of any colour with dance shorts or leggings
Barefoot or socks
Hair pulled back, out of the face in a bun, french braid or ponytail
Fitted 'T' shirts or tanks - any solid colour with shorts that fall above the knee
All Dancers:
Please do not wear jewelry to class. i.e. rings, watches, etc.